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Deanna -- from the episode "Menage a Troi"

This category is a little tricky. You'll find some stories here that do speak of a R/T romance, but because that romance is so minor in the plot, I've put the stories here.
Other than that, there's just friendship stories here, T/m (non TNG male) and in the future maybe some other stuff too.
For clarity, the stories are devided in series-Canon and Non/Could be-Canon categories

A short trip into Troi's thoughts after the episode 'Disaster' (PG; T, minimal R)
Mirror-Troi reflect on meeting her counterpart from 'our' Universe (Based on Dark Mirror by Diane Duane) (PG Mirror-T, minor Mirror-R/T)
Three friends (T, C, R) deal with the aftermath of the episode 'Man of the People' (PG-13, minimal R/T)
Deanna's thoughts after Dark Page (PG; T)
Series exploring the friendship between Guinan and Troi during various missions/episodes
Set just after Nemesis, from an unusual pov (PG; minor R/T)

NON-/Could Be Canon
Non-Canon - Deanna and Will have a little heart to heart talk and come to some important conclusions (PG-13; T, R)
Could be Canon - Questions, questions and one answer (PG; T/?)
Set anywhere before Insurrection. (PG: T, R +extra's)
Could be Canon - Troi reflects on her marriage (PG; T/?, C/?)
Could be Canon - Bit of romantic fluff (PG; T/?)
Could be Canon - Deanna helps an old friend grieve. Pre-Insurrection, DS9 cross-over. W/T-romance if you choose to read beyond the first chapter. (PG; T, W)
Non-Canon - A visit to a friend's wedding (PG; C, T)
The Smile -->NEW<--
Could-be-Canon - more info inside (PG-13; T, R)
What you didn't see during "Descent 1&2"
(This story is a work-in-progress and therefore not yet available)