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Picard & Troi from the 2nd season episode "The Icarus Factor"

This is a Fandom I'm relatively new to, therefore there aren't many stories here (dare I say 'yet'?) But I do have three wip-files for this pairing :)

Obviously, since these stories are canon, there's no Picard/Troi romance here, just friendship.
What you didn't see during the episodes "Descent 1&2"
(This story is a work-in-progress and therefore not yet available)
A short, unofficial counseling session set during the movie "First Contact" (PG: P,T)
Focussed on Troi, Picard & Riker dealing with the events that happened in the movie "Nemesis" (PG: P, T/R, C)

NON-CANON (romance) stories:
A moment shared between two friends. No plot, no action, no sex. (G: T, P)
In a total AU two friends go on shoreleave together and some unexpected things happen (PG-13: T/P -minor R, C)