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Worf & Troi -- from the episode "Emergence", season 7

There are not a lot of stories in this category, because I stopped writing this pairing fairly quickly.
I still like the idea of Worf/Troi very much, but writing it has proven a little out of my league ;)
But the few stories that I did write (all non-canon) are listed here, I hope you enjoy and review *g*

Short story set during/after "All Good Things..." and still in need of a title ;) (PG; W/T,  minor mention of R/T)
Accidentally Jadzia comes across something hidden in Worf's drawers. (P; W/D, W/T)
A sad little poem

After Jadzia's death... (PG; W/D, W/T, minor R/T & Ezri/Bashir)